Month: October 2007

  • Thursday and Friday?

    Thursday, I had a #9 migraine.  I'm not much for pain and it was getting worse.  This time, around 9pm, my Hunni didn't need to encourage me to go to the hospital for the Stadol Cocktail.  I got ready, then I got worse.  I do remember getting to the emergency room waiting room and sitting.  The next thing that I remember is someone trying to talk to me, but I couldn't hardly speak.  I guess this was the worse spell that I've ever had with the pain.  They said it was a seizure, but I don't know; I don't remember.

    I do remember someone asking if my head was feeling better and I mumbled no.  Then they said they were giving me another shot and I don't remember anything until 9pm Friday.  There's the drug induced time warp, and forward again.  I ate a bowl of soup that smelled like an ash tray, then I was out again.  I woke up Saturday at 10:30am.

    I had planned on leaving early Saturday morning to go camping and hunting.  Those plans were shot.  So now I'm trying to get everything packed up so I can leave in the morning.  I took a break from packing to blog.  Go figure.

    My Hunni told me today that they gave me several shots of Dilaudid before they finally gave me a shot of Stadol.  Plus they ran a CT scan and did blood work along with a blood gas thing.  I had bandaids all over my hands and wrists when I woke up.  I guess they gave me the "once over".  Can't wait to see this bill.  Geemyknee.


    I'm anxious to be out in my tent again.  I love being out in the fields and streams.  Well, I won't be in fields much, but I will be in the woods alot.  Now I guess it's time to get back to packing.  Still a little groggy from Thursday, but should be wide awake in the morning!  I should be back in about a week.

    The FogWalker goes back to packing....a hunting he will go....

  • Natural Stuff

    I was asked what natural remedies that people might try.  So I thought I'd share this with the world.  Over the last few years, actually starting in 2000, my Hunni and I have found several natural or alternative products that have helped one or both of us, and have helped others with ailments that they have.  My Hunni has her own business (main part is air and water purifiers) and since it was about natural health and healing, we decided to add these products to our line.

    Now the first thing people think when you're selling something is that you'll say just about anything to sell it.  I guess that past salesmen (or saleswomen, or salespersons) has given us that perspective and we all remember the peddlers or carpetbaggers from the movies with their elixirs and concoctions.  Okay, with that said, I do like it when there are sales for our business and we make money.  Who wouldn't?  I was once told that I would probably say anything to make a a used car salesman.  Is that ironic?

    My intent is that people find something that works.  And if we can make money as we go, then great.  The nice thing about what we invested in is that it is multi-level marketing.  That is not a pyramid scheme.  It is something that is legit, and that others can also do to make money if they so wish.

    Sidenote: There are several multi-level marketing compensation plans that we have tried, and some are not very profitable, nor very rewarding for those that are working.  On the other hand, there are some that are very good.

    Okay, so have I scared you into not listening to what will follow? 

    Mangosteen Fruit

    One of the first natural things that we tried was made from the mangosteen fruit, with other additives like grape seed extract, pine bark extract, aloe vera, etc.  With our experience it helped with everything going down the drain and out the exhaust pipe.  It alleviated GERD, heartburn, indigestion, and even with diverticulitis.  I used it in conjunction with a couple of other supplements and my sugar level went down to a steady 85.

    So, we got our free bottle of Acai Plus to start being able to give a free bottle away.  There is a catch (aha, you say!): You have to pay the shipping and handling to get a free bottle and sign up for 2 months as Silver Level Autoship which means that the minimum that you get is 3 bottles at the price of 2 with a website that can earn you commissions in the 2nd and 3rd months (more if you keep going).  If you want, go to our website at Acai Plus and make sure our number, 27928, is in the appropriate enrollment field (which it should be if you click our link). 

    If you don't want us to make money, then just go to

    The Main Helper for This Diabetic

    I also tried Bios Life 2 that is made by a company, Unicity,  that has lots of nutritional products.  At this time, we have changed to use the supplements from the same company that manufacturers our air and water purifiers. I'm not allowed to put a link for them here, but if you want to know, tell me that I can tell you my link and I'll send it to you in a message. See below!  Even though this is not our main business, you can be set up as preferred customers so that you can order this product for the SAME price that I buy it at.  You can sign up on your own with our referral number of 709524.  Cool, huh?  Oh, the small print is that it costs $14.95 to be a preferred customer, but you get everything at 15% lower than retail.

    Back to Bios Life II.  Click the link and you can read all about it.  My experience with it is that after taking if everyday for 10 months, I started weaning myself off the meds for diabetes (glucophage, glucotrol, atenolol, etc.).  I took it slow with the weaning and was completely off the meds in 6 months.  My blood sugar had leveled out at 85, and it continued the same for 2 years without prescription drugs.

    I've also told some others about this and they tried it.  Several had as good an experience as I had, like one was ready for dialysis and her kidney function levels went back up so that she didn't have to have dialysis.  I think this is one of the best nutritional products in the world!  I'd swear by it, but I don't swear.

    Our Main Business

    The company that manufactures our products for our main business wants everyone to be a personal person.  With that in mind, I can't just spread my links to our site anywhere and everywhere.  So, sorry, you won't find the link here for our main site.  However, if you ask me what it is, I can send it to you in a message or email, chat, or whatever; just not allowed to post links.  It keeps people dealing with people on a more personal level...'cause I sure know how to advertise it and get clicks thru, but can't.

    We have some products that are great nutritional products.  We also have the best air purifiers and water purifiers in the world (my opinion of course).  And if you were looking for a company with a great compensation plan, this is the best!

    The FogWalker missed a couple of days....then sent the wrong links to someone....oh geemyknee!

  • Email Digest

    Okay, so I didn't do it yesterday, but I did do it today.  Oh, if you haven't read it, then two days ago I made all my subscriptions to "online only".  Today, I made a lot of them to a "daily email digest".  Somehow, I had quite getting my daily digest emails and I missed the easy way to be reading all the blogs (not all, but all as in what I read).  I guess tomorrow will let me know if I did it right or not, or if I have to go to the Xanga gods for help.  ***crosses fingers***


    Okay, it's established that I'm not an allopathic person.  However, there are times when something immediately needs to be done and this is where allopathy shines!  So, in those times, I take the drugs that the doctor orders.  Does that make me a hypocrite?

    hypocriten. a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.

    I'm not a hypocrite because I've stated that I'm not an allopathic person, but I will use their drugs as needed.  I prefer natural or alternative means of healing over allopathic or prescription meds.  Though when I'm in pain, I will take the easiest way out, which in alot of cases is the allopathic way.  Therefore, I'm not hypocrite, I'm a wimp!  So there.

    A poor example of what I mean is when the migraines starting hit #8 and rising.  I take a drug to slow it down (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't).  That drug has not been on the market long enough or been tested long enough to know what the long term effects are.  Also, I can't take it more than 3 times per week.  Interesting that it would temporarily help and long term maybe not.  On the other hand, there is a natural drug that could be smoked that would relieve the migraine.  There are a couple of serious side effects.  I'm not sure what the smoke would do in the long term, but I'm sure that part is not good.  Also, there are certain branches of law enforcement that would put the user in jail for using or possessing.  So an appropriate decision is do the one that will kill me in the long run 'cause I don't want to go to jail.


    My Dad was tested (fasting) on 3 different occasions and his blood sugar was between 110 and 120.  This, by the hospital definition, makes him a diabetic.  It was kinda' hard to explain to Dad that he's gone 87 years and not been a diabetic and now he is.  Dad said he was borderline, and I told him that's like being "almost pregnant".  Hmm, he understood that analogy.

    In my case, it was alot easier to determine.  I didn't know the symptoms, but after going through a time of having to drink something (preferably water) and then having to go "potty" every 10 or 15 minutes, I found out real soon.  When the blood sugar level is 400+ and the A1C is 10, then it's time to get serious about the treatment.  I went the allopathic way.

    Included with the allopathic way of meds (can we say insulin, glucophage, glucotrol, etc.?) was also going to a Dietitian specializing in diabetes for a diet program and getting back to exercising (which I couldn't do yet because I found this out after having a car wreck).

    I started the drugs and the proper diet.  My sugar level was staying between 110 and 115, and the doc was satisfied that it would remain there.  I kept it there for a year and then started trying some natural remedies.  After about 10 months of 2 supplements, my sugar was down and staying between 80 and 85.

    The next thing I did was to do something that I don't tell other people to do, even though I think it will work and have shown it to work with me and a few others that I know (one that was getting ready to go on dialysis and didn't).  I started weaning myself of the allopathic meds.  Another 6 months and I was completely off the meds and my sugar was staying around 85.  I told the doc and several people that say it can't be done.  The doc said it was all hocus pocus, believism, voodoo, whatever.  I said, "So what, if it's working and is!"   I had gone 2 years without any of the meds on my hocus pocus.  Hmm...

    Then I did the stupid part.  As mentioned by others, this is a progressive disease and needs to be dealt with.  The stupid part was that I quit everything that was working correctly.  After about one month of being off the supplements, my sugar shot up to around 400 again and I got very sick.  Time to go back to allopathy, and I did.  I should have just let everyone say what they wanted and kept on with my life and not tried to prove anything, because the proof nearly killed me and set me back, way back!

    I guess the moral of the story is to stick with whatever works for you.  And don't quit!  Another moral might be one suggested by a friend that recently got married and is working for the "other side" (Leah, you traitor, just kidding, but you are awful pretty in that wedding dress!), you should always make INFORMED decisions on what you do, and with those decisions, you can always say NO to the doc if you know or think a prescription might not be the best for you.


    My butt is being kicked by a #9 migraine.  Plus, I'm allergic to dust and I was outside yesterday while my son was mowing.  It was like a huge dust storm and I got out of it pretty quick, but maybe not quick enough.  I'm hurting.  I can't believe I made this huge book blog.

    The FogWalker goes back to bed....seeking sweet oblivion...

  • Digest Email

    I don't know what's up with my digest emails, but I'm gonna' take Sheryl's advice and change everyone to no email today, then change back to digest emails tomorrow with the hopes that I get my digest emails again on a daily basis.  It seems like every time there is some change with Xanga, then something on my end goes askew!  I'm beginning to wonder if the Xanga gods dislike me.

    Allopathic Medicines

    This is what most people adhere to as the cutting edge of healing.  By the way, allopathy was a coined phrase to refer to conventional medicine as opposed to homeopathy.  I also use it to distinguish it from other methods of healing, as in herbalpathy (another coined phrase for using herbs), naturopathy, naturalpathy, etc., or what is commonly called "alternative" healing or medicines.

    The basis for allopathic meds is for the med to make your body do other than what it's presently doing.  You're running a fever, so the prescribed medicine makes you body temperature drop.  Along with the drug doing what it's supposed to do, it also has side effects.  It's these side effects that are in the small print that make me NOT want to be allopathic, but to do everything "naturally" or take the alternative route.  However, even with me not wanting to take a lot of drugs, I do believe there is a time when one is so far on the dark side (sick) that the allopathic drugs are needed.  Maybe we should do more to recognize sickness before it goes to far and we need that, but I think we're sold out that allopathic doctors are the gods of the day, the cutting edge of healing (cutting for sure), the cure all for everything.

    Hey, I've already admitted that I'm NOT allopathic, and I prefer the alternatives.  I've gone so far on the alternative side that my Hunni's business is selling alternative and herbal supplements.  Oh oh, now I've admitted that I have an agenda of making money since it's part of her business.  Just a little side thought on an agenda: please wake up and realize that there is a larger agenda affecting the U.S. today when it comes to the American Medical Association (AMA), MDs, insurance companies, and an awful lot of hospitals.  My personal opinion is that most of us are at their mercy and won't admit it, or don't understand it.  You can disagree if you like since it's an opinion.

    Now back to the story.  And since you know that I'm already biased, you can take this story with a grain of salt, or with your allopathic meds (ha!)

    I had developed bronchitis and a sinus infection.  Yes, I ignored the symptoms until it was really bothering.  So, while I was at the doctor's office after a hard fight with some other ailments, I got a prescription to really knock the crap out the bronchitis.  The prescription was for 10 days and it really did take care of the bronchitis.  However, it had a little side effect, or two, that has kicked the crap out of me.  And all of that is in the small print.  Of course, when you get the prescription filled, they always ask if you want to speak to the pharmacist about the drug, and I always say no... but maybe should say yes. 

    There's only a few side effects that this drug (something off the amoxicillin/penicillin line) had and only the bolded ones started to hit me after about 6 days of taking it: fever, sore throat, headache (I have migraines everyday, so I don't count this one), skin peeling, nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, jaundice, diarrhea, chills, body aches, flu symptoms, easy bruising or bleeding, unusual weakness, agitation (well, maybe), confusion, unusual thoughts or behavior (umm), seizure, black-out, vaginal itching (no way), swollen tongue, dryness of mouth, thrush, and that's most of them.

    So in the 7th day of my healing experience, I call the doc and it's one of those calls that are answered by we'll talk with the doc and see what he wants you to do.....then we'll call you back.  Umm, okay.  Next day it's time to see if they even saw the doc, and it's we'll call you back.  So now we're in the 9th day and it's okay to stop the meds since that might be causing the other symptoms.  I wanted to scream "SYMPTOMS", they're freaking side effects!

    But I'm prejudiced, and not real smart, or I would have recognized the "symptoms" and discontinued the meds.  I have been struggling with my Tai Chi Chuan class since Sunday, couldn't hardly move yesterday and struggled with my officiating, and couldn't move this morning which caused me to miss my morning class and now I'm missing teaching my "Karate Kids" class this afternoon.  And I have to get a teacher for this evening's class.  Geemyknee!

    However, I still survive.

    In The Meantime

    I don't know if it's the clattering of the keyboard that attracts Monaghan, or if he just knows where there's a warm lap when he hears that noise, but I hear a faint meow in the Maine Coon type way (their verbalization is somewhat different than "normal" cats).  He then appears in the doorway, sits up and begs, and then jumps over my arms (hands are on the keyboard) and lands in my lap.  I ignore this large chunk of cat in my lap and keep typing.  So he reaches up with his paw and touches my chin to let me know he's there.  I ignore this and he extends the claws of the paw now resting on my chin to let me know he's there.  Now I look him in the eye, ask his forgiveness for ignoring him, rub his big head, and he doses off.  I unhook his claws from my chin.  He drearily opens his eyes to remind me that he still has an eye on me, which I acknowledge, and he doses off again.

    Oh, and here comes a 17+ pound Blue Point Siamese that wants some attention, too.

    The FogWalker goes off to bed....where there's plenty of room for the animals and the people they own to sleep....with Weird Al singing in the background.....

  • Lifetime Member

    Yeah, I got an answer back from the Xanga gods and now my lifetime badge is showing.  Cool, huh?  Thanks, Eugenia.  Now they need one like Patron Lifetime or something that shows a person has had their lifetime for almost a lifetime!  LoL!  When I think way back, I've had this blog for a long time, and have had a lifetime subscription for a long time.

    Email Digest

    Now, my next problem is that I no longer get my Daily Email Digests.

    Another problem I have at the moment
    is this huge Maine Coon Cat trying to get on my lap.  He could have
    just stayed in the box.  He looked comfortable to me.  Okay, so where
    is it that I can type around these pics?  I think stuff used to be
      Or maybe I'm making it harder.

    Monaghan, get off me and go back to the box!

    Oh, my email digest...I'm not getting it anymore and it's not being held captive by my spam filter.  Already checked that.  I don't know what the problem is there, but I'm trying to figure it out and I guess I'll send a note to the Xanga gods about that.

    And yes, I've checked my preferences on my subscriptions and it is set to a daily digest email and to my correct email address.  So, what am I missing?

    It's like they aren't being sent.  Anyone else having that problem?  Maybe it's just me.

    Rough Days

    I seemed to be stuck back with a migraine and some more of the sinus infection and bronchitis.  I'm a wimp and I don't like hurting.  My Mule was sick, too, but is now ready to come home from the Kawasaki Hospital.  It was a sticking valve which bent a push rod and then through it off the rocker arm.  The Mule got lots of work, fluids changed, and is ready to go back camping and hunting, which I think we'll do next week.  Yeah.

    My car has been in the shop for 3 months because the AC will not keep the car cool.  And the hottest weather is probably now over.  My Hunni needs the AC since they welded her thermostat shut and she has no cooling.  The other vehicles have no AC, too!  Geemyknee!  I'm just gonna' end the whine like that!

    The FogWalker goes to seek oblivion....he can't take the pain right now...

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