October 11, 2007

  • Email Digest

    Okay, so I didn't do it yesterday, but I did do it today.  Oh, if you haven't read it, then two days ago I made all my subscriptions to "online only".  Today, I made a lot of them to a "daily email digest".  Somehow, I had quite getting my daily digest emails and I missed the easy way to be reading all the blogs (not all, but all as in what I read).  I guess tomorrow will let me know if I did it right or not, or if I have to go to the Xanga gods for help.  ***crosses fingers***


    Okay, it's established that I'm not an allopathic person.  However, there are times when something immediately needs to be done and this is where allopathy shines!  So, in those times, I take the drugs that the doctor orders.  Does that make me a hypocrite?

    hypocriten. a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.

    I'm not a hypocrite because I've stated that I'm not an allopathic person, but I will use their drugs as needed.  I prefer natural or alternative means of healing over allopathic or prescription meds.  Though when I'm in pain, I will take the easiest way out, which in alot of cases is the allopathic way.  Therefore, I'm not hypocrite, I'm a wimp!  So there.

    A poor example of what I mean is when the migraines starting hit #8 and rising.  I take a drug to slow it down (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't).  That drug has not been on the market long enough or been tested long enough to know what the long term effects are.  Also, I can't take it more than 3 times per week.  Interesting that it would temporarily help and long term maybe not.  On the other hand, there is a natural drug that could be smoked that would relieve the migraine.  There are a couple of serious side effects.  I'm not sure what the smoke would do in the long term, but I'm sure that part is not good.  Also, there are certain branches of law enforcement that would put the user in jail for using or possessing.  So an appropriate decision is do the one that will kill me in the long run 'cause I don't want to go to jail.


    My Dad was tested (fasting) on 3 different occasions and his blood sugar was between 110 and 120.  This, by the hospital definition, makes him a diabetic.  It was kinda' hard to explain to Dad that he's gone 87 years and not been a diabetic and now he is.  Dad said he was borderline, and I told him that's like being "almost pregnant".  Hmm, he understood that analogy.

    In my case, it was alot easier to determine.  I didn't know the symptoms, but after going through a time of having to drink something (preferably water) and then having to go "potty" every 10 or 15 minutes, I found out real soon.  When the blood sugar level is 400+ and the A1C is 10, then it's time to get serious about the treatment.  I went the allopathic way.

    Included with the allopathic way of meds (can we say insulin, glucophage, glucotrol, etc.?) was also going to a Dietitian specializing in diabetes for a diet program and getting back to exercising (which I couldn't do yet because I found this out after having a car wreck).

    I started the drugs and the proper diet.  My sugar level was staying between 110 and 115, and the doc was satisfied that it would remain there.  I kept it there for a year and then started trying some natural remedies.  After about 10 months of 2 supplements, my sugar was down and staying between 80 and 85.

    The next thing I did was to do something that I don't tell other people to do, even though I think it will work and have shown it to work with me and a few others that I know (one that was getting ready to go on dialysis and didn't).  I started weaning myself of the allopathic meds.  Another 6 months and I was completely off the meds and my sugar was staying around 85.  I told the doc and several people that say it can't be done.  The doc said it was all hocus pocus, believism, voodoo, whatever.  I said, "So what, if it's working and is!"   I had gone 2 years without any of the meds on my hocus pocus.  Hmm...

    Then I did the stupid part.  As mentioned by others, this is a progressive disease and needs to be dealt with.  The stupid part was that I quit everything that was working correctly.  After about one month of being off the supplements, my sugar shot up to around 400 again and I got very sick.  Time to go back to allopathy, and I did.  I should have just let everyone say what they wanted and kept on with my life and not tried to prove anything, because the proof nearly killed me and set me back, way back!

    I guess the moral of the story is to stick with whatever works for you.  And don't quit!  Another moral might be one suggested by a friend that recently got married and is working for the "other side" (Leah, you traitor, just kidding, but you are awful pretty in that wedding dress!), you should always make INFORMED decisions on what you do, and with those decisions, you can always say NO to the doc if you know or think a prescription might not be the best for you.


    My butt is being kicked by a #9 migraine.  Plus, I'm allergic to dust and I was outside yesterday while my son was mowing.  It was like a huge dust storm and I got out of it pretty quick, but maybe not quick enough.  I'm hurting.  I can't believe I made this huge book blog.

    The FogWalker goes back to bed....seeking sweet oblivion...

Comments (1)

  • The only time I was under control was when I was doing Atkins.  But it kept my blood sugar so low that I was constantly eating things like cheese and burgers without the bun.  So while my A1c went down, my weight went up.  I really hope this med does it for me.  I tried chromium picolate but that had little (if any) effect on my blood sugar.  I heard about cinnamon, so I added cinnamon to almost everything I drank (which was mostly coffee and diet coke) - with little effect.  What other natural "remedies" are there for diabetes?

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