March 2, 2008

  • When you have a bad day, what do you do to comfort yourself?

    My bad days usually consist of a lot of pain.  Today is one of those days and this may be appropriate question for today.  Physically, I submit to the drugs given for the bad day cause, the migraines, and hope that the pain is eased.  Sometimes I have to go to the hospital for a Stadol Cocktail.  So the physical comforting may be drugs and a heating pad on my head.

    Mentally, or would it be spiritually, I thank God that I'm alive.  Then there's the other side of the coin when I wish I were  dead.  Migraines are no fun.  I can't say that I really comfort or conjole myself when I'm like this since all I try to do is slip into sweet, painless oblivion.  I try to get away from light, noise, and external stimuli.

    Then there's the other bad days, like when my printer's drive belt broke, and the window got stuck down on the car, and the truck was dead, and the day is generally not going well.  My comfort then is just to think that I'm very fortunate and things could have been worse.  I don't know how they could be worse, but they could.  Maybe some of the comfort is the knowledge that most of these things are only temporary and there's no use worrying over where I'm going to get the money to fix it, or who will help, or whatever.  Things will work out some how and some way, it just might not be the way I want.....but, there's always tomorrow.

    Also, there's always distractions like the PS3 where I can comfort myself by letting another world get into my head and not facing reality.  Distractions can be comforting.

    Okay, the biggest comfort doesn't always comre from within, sometimes it comes from without from my ever loving Hunni that can make it come from within because she cares so much.

    And thus you have the ramblings of someone trying to intellectually answer a question while the brain is sizzling with the pain and pressure that seems will explode the life right out of them.  Maybe that was too random to make sense, don't know... 

    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!

    No Mas

    In some competitions, you tap on the mat when you give up, others you just say "no more", others you may just tip over your top game piece, and there's always some way to give up or give in.

    The migraine is winning, I want to tap out.  I give up; it wins.  I concede, but it won't quit.  The only way to win is to get so doped up that I don't feel it, and then I lose because I lose time and lots of money since a Stadol Cocktail includes all the costs incurred by the hospital, doctors, nurses, pharmacy, etc. and the loss of my time and the time of my Hunni while she patiently sits and waits for the long ER visit to be over.

    I want to give up, but I just can't say it and it be over.  It wins!

    The FogWalker goes back to the heating pad....and probably to the ER...where's the comfort in all of that...

Comments (3)

  • Sweets and Dawg get migraines, though both of them have theirs controlled with medication right now.  It is painful for me to watch them suffer.  The cold head is an odd harbinger for the migraines. I have noticed how cool their heads get when they are agonizing.  I will have to try putting a warm cloth on their heads next time.

    Dawg also gets a form of migraine in his chest sometimes so it feels like he is having heart attacks.

  • It'd be great if they could find something to be rid of those darned migranes other than being knocked out. I hate to go have that stuff. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

  • @CatInTheMist - I'm sorry to hear that they have migraines.  It's something that I couldn't and wouldn't wish on anyone. I can't stand the cold on my head when I get a migraine (some people use the cold to help with the pain).  However, the heat on my head seems to help.

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