
  • My Invention

    I was ready SuSu's latest blog, and thinking about my present health situation, and I figured out what we need.

    I'm gonna' invent a "Personal Bubble Suit".  This will be more than just a bubble against germs and things like that.  They already have those.  No, this will be a self-contained, filtered breathing apparatus with a complete exoskeleton protective suit.  So there!  Here's some of its features:

    • It will provide all the proper air and oxygen content for whatever is necessary for our present health.
    • It will provide flexibility so that I can still sit here and type on the keyboard.
    • It will be sturdy, but lightweight, and have a self-contained thermostat controlled comfort center to keep us at whatever temp we desire.
    • It will help provide stability when there's a Meniere's moment, or an icy moment.
    • It will provide skeletal support in case we get tired.  We can tell it to just support us and stand their while we relax, or we can program it to take us inside and have a seat in our favorite chair.
    • It will provide much much more!  Like massages, personal hygiene type things, etc.

    Okay, now that I have it all figured out, I need someone to sponsor this thing and let's get it built.  So who's with me?

    The next thing that I figured out is that once it's built, people like me and Susu won't be able to afford one.  Hmm, I just may keep my secret to myself.  Me and my big ideas.

    The FogWalker goes back to sitting by the fire....maybe some sweet oblivion....

  • Got the idea from Jinn.  It's cool.  And there's actually a post below this.

  • Calm Before the Storm?

    I thought there was supposed to be some calm before the storm, 'cause if the calm is happening now, then I'm in for a terrible storm.  Maybe the calm was before the initial onset of bronchitis in the later part of November.  Or maybe there should also be another saying about the calm after the storm.  I don't know, but I got some more drugs in me, more doctor bills to pay, and I'm hurting worse.  I know, it takes time for these new drugs to do something.  The bad thing is that these are not something new and different, just more of the same, but stronger and more of it.

    I'm not a big "meds" person, but sometimes there is a need.  Then once your immunity system has been shot by the bacteria and the drugs, what does one do?  I have the answer!


    I have a FoodSaver® that vacuums pack food and keeps it way better than other means.  This is because it takes out all the bacteria growing air.  I have rolls that allow you to make whatever size bag that you want for the different cuts of meat, and the different vegetables that we store in it.  I also store things like gun parts to prevent rust, medical supplies for a packable emergency kit, and things that I just don't want handled.

    So, what if I seal myself in one so that the bacteria can't grow in me for awhile and then my Hunni can cut me out when I'm all healed.  This would do two things: (1) cure me, and (2) keep me from spreading the germs to other people.  It would be my own little bubble.

    Okay, so there's some fallacies to this theory.  First, I can't quite make a bag that large for me to fit in.  And there's no other issues to think about since I can't get in it.  No "bubble boy" for me.    It was a thought, you must admit.

    I'm just sicker than I was yesterday, and I won't go into all the gory details.  ***anticipates the sighs of relief*** Just sicker.

    The FogWalker is going to pay some bills and do some computer work....or maybe not...

  • Sick

    And that says it all.  I was sick before with bronchitis and a sinus infection, got better for a day or two, and now and sick again.  Very sick.  I have a viral infection that turned to bacterial along with having bronchitis, inflamed vocal chords, sinus infection, and the ever present migraine.  The doc said my immune system is so low that I could catch anything (it's low because of how sick I've been and all the antibiotics and all that).

    It's just that I can't quite coughing without the cough medicine, and each cough rips the lining out of my throat and partially out of my chest.  My nose is running like it's pretending to be my eyes when crying.  Vomiting seems to be another favorite pasttime.  I could go on, about the pain, the migraine, etc.

    I'm just really sick.  So if you think about sending out good thoughts and/or prayers, please do so.

    The FogWalker goes back to the recliner...maybe some oblvion will come soon...and no coughing....

  • What are five things you do everyday?

    Hmm, this might be in order.....but does going to the bathroom count as one, or do you count the different times as separate entries in the list?

    1. Go to the bathroom.
    2. Brush my teeth.
    3. Take a shower.
    4. Change underwear.
    5. Go online.

    I just realized that I do most of those things mulitple times during a day, and that's about the first 20 minutes or so of the day, too..  Well, I only change underwear more than once if I take more than one shower.  I can't put on something "dirty" after taking a shower since I'm now "clean"!

    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!


    I got my voice back for about one day. I felt good for about one day.  I did what I wanted for about one day.  Then I was sick again, and my Hunni got sick, and our youngest son got sick.  Guess who got blamed for everyone getting sick.  Well, I'm sick again, so they can blame me but I didn't think it was my turn again.  I think with how sick I've been, then adding antibiotics that kill the good along with the bad, and my immune system getting all messed up, that someone only has to say bronchitis or cold or sniffles and I get sick again.  No, I'm not ...... I can't think of that word for one that gets every sickness mentioned....anyway, not me.

    My vocal chords are still messed up and I sound like a burnt out DI; maybe like Gunny (Clint Eastwood) in a movie that will remain nameless since I can't think of the name, but he whippped a marine recon group into shape, including Mario Pebbles when he ripped out his pierced earring.  All of that and I could have said "Froggy" on "my gang" sounds better than me.

    Now to add to that, I'm falling asleep and not waking up.  It might happen for a couple of hours, but it just happens and everyone is telling me that they can't wake me up.  Man, one would think I'm on drugs......kinda' am, but you know what I mean.  It's like this ol' bod is just shutting down to do something and it's not multi-tasking; it's no-tasking.  Gee, I wake up and everyone's in a middle of a movie eating popcorn.  Where was I?  Well, my body was in the recliner, but I don't know about the rest of me.  Interesing in a weird kind of way.  I'm getting sleepy now.

    The FogWalker goes back to the recliner....sweet oblivion is calling....again....

  • The Usual

    I usually go out the day before Valentine's Day and get a card and something for my Hunni.  Then I leave it in her chair during the night so it's the first thing she'll see when she gets up.  I was so sick with a migraine yesterday that I didn't do hardly anything. Well, I may have whined a lot. So, this is the first year in many years that I didn't have something already for her.  Want to know what makes it worse?

    I come into my home office and sit down at my computer.  Sitting on top of my keyboard, leaning against my monitor, is the nicest Valentine's Day card from my Hunni.  I loved it.

    Yet, it makes me really mad at myself for not getting out yesterday and doing what I normally do.  ***kicks self in the butt***  I have to go out today, so time for an untimely "make up"!

    Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!  I hope this is a great day with you and someone special.  And if there is not a special someone to be with, remember that you're special in some way and treat yourself to something nice!  Or if that special someone does like I did, forgive 'em and treat both of you special.  Hehe!

    The FogWalker goes to plan something.... maybe dinner and a movie....

  • On The Western Front

    And I'll also post some pictures on the Northern Front.    I've been working on my home office and here's some of the results.  It's still kinda' messy, but I'll get around to making it messier!

    Here's the main view while I'm sitting: the Northern Front.  I have the TV to the left with the VHS -> DVD converter in front of it.  Next is my main monitor and cpu.  The keyboard directly in front of it is for the monitor on the right; its keyboard is on the pullout shelf right below the visible keyboard.

    This vew is a little
    further away from "control central".  My external harddrive is sitting
    on the desk to the right, in front of my brains (Clie, which is getting
    replaced by my MotoQ phone).
    This vew is a little
    further away from "control central".  My external harddrive is sitting
    on the desk to the right, in front of my brains (Clie, which is getting
    replaced by my MotoQ phone).

    Main keyboard pulled out below.  My router is on top of the TV.

    A view slightly further back.

    A slight turn to the right and you can see the bookcase and the next desk.

    A look at the Northern front and there's another computer desk with a book case on both side.  You can see the computer, monitor, and keyboard, along with the printer/copier/scanner/fax.


    I would turn towards the Eastern Front, but it's still not in order yet.  Going to put my drawing/drafting table there along with another bookcase.  The Southern Front will be later on, too.  It has a desk with my laptop on it and shelves above it.  More to come.

    The FogWalker is worn out just from posting pics and remembering all that work....geemyknee...

  • Do you think corporal punishment - spanking - is child abuse? Why or why not?

    Most people don't know the difference between punishment and discipline.  Punishment is the last means of making one pay for wrong doing while discipline is using positive or negative reinforcement to help one change to a set standard.  Punishment is usually for criminals.

    With that said, I don't think children need punishment, but they definitely need discipline.  Sometimes discipline means corporal discipline, which is generally a spanking.  Even though that wasn't actually the question, I wanted to clarify MY terms so you could relate to what I was saying.

    So the question to me is now "Do you think corporal discipline - spanking - is child abuse?  In and of itself, no, it is not child abuse.  Improperly used, it can and has been child abuse.  What's improper?  When the spanking hurts the child physically (like bruises, bleeding, etc.), then it has become abuse.  When the spanking hurts that padded rear end so that the child decides to conform to the standards set, even with the tears, then it's been properly used.  The rebellion has been stifled, but the child's spirit has not been broken.

    There's a fine line between doing enough, and going to far.  You may disagree with my sentiments and I haven't fully explained what I think, but this has been my opinion.  I think some of today's problems stem from not correctly discipling our children, which includes the lack of spankings and also the abuse by spankings.  There is a happy medium, even though our children may not agree to it will getting their bisquits burned.

    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!

    On The Northern Front, or Fighting the Sinus Infection

    Had another visit with the doctor today.  I'm doing a lot better with not having a sinus infection.  My head is a lot clearer and I'm not coughing like I was.  However, the steroids and the antibiotics have shot my bloodsugar way out of whack.  The last 4 or 5 days have seen my fasting levels at 250 to 285, and that's not fun.  Also, the sugar rich blood promotes things like fermentation (infections elsewhere) which are temporary (unless it gets out of control) and is in doc's allowable circumstances surrounding my healing.

    One thing that has not been acceptable has been the coughing that has brought a huge strain on my vocal chords.  I've not been able to talk, except with a rasp, for the last couple of weeks.  Now, I'm losing that capablility.  I'm having a really really really hard time with talking.  There may have been some damage (repairable) to my vocal chords and now I'm under strick orders not to talk for the next 36 to 72 hours.  Geemyknee!  The doc grinned when he said my Hunni would love that.  I grinned back when I struggled to say that my son would, too.  Then the doc said the clock just started over and I really needed to just write stuff down.

    So, it's now the silent treatment.

    The FogWalker is currently experiencing the lack of painless oblivion.....maybe it will come soon while sitting in silence...

  • Busy Days

    Monday and Tuesday always seem to be my busiest days.  Monday is the time to do the things that I thought about on the weekend, plus get ready for an evening of volleyball (about 4 or 5 hours).  This past Monday, I went with my son to look at some homes and property, supposed to be about an hour or so, and ended up taking most of the day.  Plus, I made a stop at Home Depot to get some materials for little jobs around the house.

    Tuesday started with a really bad migraine and going back to recliner several different times.  I also have a Karate Kids class that I teach in the afternoon.  The kids are between 5 and 8 years old and they can really be a trip!  After that class is our Sanuces Ryu Ju-Jitsu class.  And when I'm feeling better and it's nice outside, I have Tai Chi Chuan in the mornings.

    So, those two days just seem to come and go fast; really fast!  And the days seem to disappear more when I'm not feeling well.

    Rainy Days

    We have had some very unseasonably warm days the last couple of days, including today.  However, with the warmth has come a lot of rain.  It's been raining so hard that my son and I were discussing building an ark, but we thought we might be starting too late. 

    Getting Better

    Though I still can't talk (inflamed throat/esophagus), the sinus infection seems to be letting up.  I can actually breath through my nose now.  Woot!  I had a "hot flash" during church Sunday morning and then one Monday morning, but nothing since.  Nice!


    I had an invitation to join Facebook from a friend, and I did that.  I found a Xangan on there, too, huh Kimberly!.  It's kinda' interesting with all the apps that they have for members and there's some distracting things to do, like the human pets.  Nothing kinky going on there for me, not that I want it to be; it's just some simple fun and you can meet other people, and buy 'em if you like and have the points.  Just some silly fun and another way to meet people.  I like meeting people, just not in the romantic way.  I guess there are those that meet for that.

    Some of the apps kinda' suck because you have to send an invitation out to 15 or 20 friends before you can know the results or use if fully.  Gee, I don't have that many friends yet.  LoL!

    There's another one that I kinda' like and that's the car racing.  There's no action driving like in a console game, but you just push a button to race and wait for the outcome.  Winners get points for upgrading their cars so they can win more races.  Simple stuff...kinda' fits me well.

    If you're on there and want to be friends, let me know.


    I do wish my new domain name and site would resolve.  I'm writing a blog that tells stories of things that I've been or done in the past.  Maybe people can identify with some of the things.  Some stories will be about hunting, some about working for a timbering company, some about engineering, whatever that I might have done in the past.  I hope most are kinda' light and fun to read.  But first, I need that DNS to get right!

    The FogWalker goes to take a shower...time to just relax....

  • Hot Flashes

    I've had hot flashes, at least that's what I would call it.  And I'm not going through menopause, maybe womenopause!  You might have heard that already.  The doc said it was from my really bad sinus infection and the temperature from the infection is fighting to get out, and it's winning..  All I can say is, "It really sucks!"  If this is anything near what women go through, well, I'm glad I'm a man.

    My face and neck turn blood red, even the whites of my eyes turn red.  My face and ears feel like they're burning to the point of pain.  I get disoriented and can't think; kinda' panicky.  Man, am I a wimp!  It's all kinda' crazy and I get all sweaty.  Then I get cold from the sweat when I start returning to normal, if you can call anytime for me normal.

    No fun!

    The FogWalker goes back to recliner...needs to warm up...some, anyway...

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